Every life begins and ends with breathing

Evelin Karpavicius
2 min readJun 14, 2023


An woman seat in the ground, with a purble bird in front of her
Artist: Gaudi Buendia

Keep an open mind to everything and don’t get attached to anything. Resist the temptation to be pessimistic. How can anyone be this way in a world we know so little about? We know NOTHING compared to what THERE IS to know. Don’t have reduced expectations about what you are capable of creating.

Man is what he thinks. Abandon your attachment to what you have been conditioned to believe. Your attachments are the source of all your problems. Infinite patience produces immediate results. Let everything come and go freely. Enjoy everything, but never let your happiness or success depend on attachment to a thing, a place, or a person.

Don’t die without listening to your inner voice. Listen to your heart, your intuition, take risks. When you respect yourself, disapproval from someone else is not something to fear and avoid. Have respect and love your own being, always be on your own side. You cannot give what you don’t have, receiving back simply what you have planted in the world.

The universe answers back with the same energy that we emit. We come into the world with nothing and leave it exactly the same way. Nothing in the universe is personal.

Do you really possess what you want to give?

